Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Deploying to Oasa

Alright everyone! It's been a while so here's the catch-up.

On our free contract, Stealthfield and our partner Academy of Shadows deployed to Oasa to hit Shadow of xXDeathXx. We took some losses, but they were mostly from newer players in Celestis' and Maulus' who had never done this kind of work before. We also lost a few bombers when they were headed out, which nearly all died just a jump or two out of empire, as well as a Falcon due to a fluke. We were killing a Dominix off a gate when suddenly an Abaddon jumps through, less than 20k from our Falcon. Good bye Falcon!

However, I noticed that even the people who had never done this before learned very quickly. One couple-week-old player, HarrisonTM, who cannot even fly a covert ops, has learned how to navigate 0.0, to avoid gatecamps, fleet protocol, and how to report intel. It's nothing short of amazing.

Archenom, another fairly new player, has also learned an immense amount. The difference that I have noticed between Day 1 and now is phenomenal. Before, we were losing 2-3 ships a day and one at every confrontation. Now the last ship we lost was a Maulus and that was 3 days ago. Moving on...

We recently discovered that some idiots in xDeath like to run around letting their posses run out of fuel (or forget to reinforce them) so we did them a favor and just removed them ourselves. POS 1 and POS 2 popped fairly quick.

We then met some Atlas guys in the area and decided to work together, crashing a gatecamp (and a Cyclone) The nice tech II salvage paid for one of our bombers.

Finally, we tried an experimental setup and sling bubbled (with a dictor) an Apoc warping to the station. Imagine his surprise when he came out of warp and saw almost a dozens ships decloak. However, one of our fellow atlas pilots didn't keep up transversal and died, and then one of the Arazus (also not Stealthfield) lingered too long to get the pod, and the Apoc's buddies came in and popped him. It was great fun though, and taught us a lot about the value of hitting and getting out right away. Unfortunately, the enemy pod, who was loaded with a full set of +4's, escaped in 50% structure.

Last but not least, in our most heart-pounding (and hilarious) kill yet, we found a Rokh ratting in a belt, had a stealthbomber stay within point range, and snuck our entire fleet up on top of him. The whole time we thought it was a bait Rokh as it was mining with a few mining lasers (they've tried this before), but we found out VERY quickly that it was just an absolute horror of a fail-fit. This was the same guy who orbited the station at 3k in an Ibis using a small smartbomb to try to decloak us. I hit him with a bomb which was fun as he was moving.

Well, that just about wraps up this week! Thanks for reading and fly safe!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting stuff, especially your earlier entries.

    More tactical detail and less narrative focus would be far more intriguing. Of particular interest would be information on how you maintain your supply lines that deep in enemy territory.

    Good luck, and I sincerely hope you're still at it!
